The Articles of Association

Boston College Alumni Korea

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Name) The name of this organization shall be 'Boston College Alumni Korea'.

Article 2 (Purpose) The purpose of this organization is to contribute to the improvement of the educational environment in Korea by providing study abroad and educational information, spreading a healthy study abroad culture through various educational support projects, and more.

Article 3 (Projects) This organization shall carry out the following projects to achieve the purpose of Article 2:

  1. Education and academic support projects
  2. Study abroad mentoring and scholarship support projects
  3. Community and networking strengthening projects
  4. Global community contribution and volunteer activities
  5. Other projects to carry out the purpose of this organization

Article 4 (Location of Office) The main office of this organization shall be located in Seoul, and branches may be established domestically or overseas as necessary.

Chapter 2 Members and Officers

Article 5 (Membership Qualification) Members of this organization shall be those who agree with the founding purpose, submit a membership application, and obtain approval from the Board of Directors.

Article 6 (Rights and Obligations of Members)

  1. Members have the right to participate in the operation of this organization through the General Assembly.
  2. Members shall abide by the articles of incorporation, regulations, and resolutions of various meetings of the association and pay membership fees and other dues.

Article 7 (Withdrawal and Expulsion of Members)

  1. Members may freely withdraw according to their own will.
  2. If a member falls under any of the following reasons, they may be expelled through a resolution of the Board of Directors:
    1. In case of damaging the honor of the association and hindering the achievement of its purpose
    2. A person who does not fulfill the obligations of a member for more than one year

Article 8 (Composition of Officers) This organization shall have the following officers:

  1. 1 Chairman, 2 to 5 Directors (including the Chairman), and 1 Auditor.

Article 9 (Appointment of Officers)

  1. The Chairman, Directors, and Auditor shall be elected at the General Assembly in accordance with the method of Article 17.
  2. The by-election of officers shall be held within 2 months from the date of vacancy.

Article 10 (Dismissal of Officers) If an officer commits any of the following acts, they may be dismissed by a resolution of the General Assembly:

  1. Acts contrary to the purpose of this organization
  2. Disputes between officers, accounting irregularities, or significantly unfair acts
  3. Acts that interfere with the work of this organization

Article 11 (Term of Officers)

  1. The term of officers shall be 3 years and they may be re-elected.
  2. The term of an officer elected by by-election shall be the remaining period of the predecessor.

Article 12 (Duties of Officers)

  1. The Chairman shall represent this organization, oversee its operations, and serve as the chairman of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. In case of the Chairman's absence, the duties shall be performed by the order predetermined by the Board of Directors.
  2. The Directors shall deliberate and resolve important matters of this organization through the Board of Directors and handle matters delegated by the Board of Directors or the Chairman.
  3. The Auditor shall audit the general accounting and operation, request correction to the Board of Directors if there are any irregularities or improprieties, and may request the convocation of the Board of Directors or the General Assembly for reporting.

Chapter 3 Board of Directors and General Assembly

Article 13 (Composition of the Board of Directors)

  1. It shall consist of the Chairman and Directors.
  2. The Auditor may attend the Board of Directors and speak.

Article 14 (Convocation of the Board of Directors)

  1. The Board of Directors shall be divided into regular and extraordinary meetings and shall be convened by the Chairman.
  2. Regular meetings shall be held once a month, and extraordinary meetings shall be held when there is a written request from the Chairman, Auditor, or one-third or more of the current Directors.

Article 15 (Quorum for Resolution) The Board of Directors shall be convened with the attendance of a majority of the current Directors and shall resolve with the consent of a majority of the Directors present.

Article 16 (General Assembly)

  1. The General Assembly, as the highest decision-making body, shall consist of all members and be divided into regular and extraordinary meetings, which shall be convened by the Chairman.
  2. The regular General Assembly shall be held once a year within one month after the end of each fiscal year, and the extraordinary General Assembly shall be held when there is a written request from the Chairman, Auditor, or one-third or more of the current members.
  3. The Chairman shall notify the agenda, date, and place of the General Assembly in writing at least 7 days before the meeting date.

Article 17 (Quorum for Resolution)

  1. The General Assembly shall be convened with the attendance of a majority of the current members and shall resolve with the consent of a majority of the members present.
  2. The voting rights of the General Assembly may be delegated in writing to another member present. In this case, the proxy shall be submitted to the chairman by the General Assembly.

Article 18 (Matters for Resolution by the General Assembly) The General Assembly shall deliberate and resolve the following matters:

  1. Election and dismissal of officers
  2. Matters concerning the dissolution of the organization and amendment of the articles of incorporation
  3. Matters concerning acquisition, disposal of basic assets, and borrowing of funds
  4. Approval of budget and settlement of accounts
  5. Approval of project plans
  6. Other important matters

Article 19 (Minutes) The progress and results of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly shall be prepared as minutes, and the chairman and participating officers shall sign and seal them.

Chapter 4 Secretariat

Article 20 (Composition and Appointment of Employees)

  1. The Secretariat shall be established to efficiently execute the work of this organization, and the departments of the necessary organization shall be determined by a resolution of the Board of Directors.
  2. Matters concerning the appointment and dismissal of employees shall be determined by separate personnel regulations established by a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Chapter 5 Accounting and Finance

Article 21 (Classification of Assets) The assets of this organization shall be classified into basic assets and general assets.

  1. Basic assets shall be the assets contributed as basic assets at the time of establishment of this organization and the assets that the Board of Directors resolves to incorporate into basic assets.
  2. General assets shall be assets other than basic assets.

Article 22 (Revenue) The revenue of this organization shall consist of membership fees, donations, and other income. The profits of this organization shall not be distributed to members.

Article 23 (Investment and Loans) This organization may receive investments or loans from external organizations by a resolution of the General Assembly for its purpose projects.

Article 24 (Fiscal Year and Reporting)

  1. The fiscal year shall conform to the government's fiscal year.
  2. The Auditor shall prepare an annual performance report and a statement of revenue and expenditure for the previous year within one month after the end of each fiscal year, and report to the General Assembly after a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Chapter 6 Supplementary Rules

Article 25 (Amendment of Articles of Incorporation) When amending the articles of incorporation of this organization, it shall be resolved with the consent of two-thirds or more of the current members at the General Assembly.

Article 26 (Dissolution and Merger) When dissolving or merging this organization, it shall be resolved with the consent of three-quarters or more of the current members at the General Assembly.

Article 27 (Ownership of Residual Assets) In case of dissolution of this organization, the residual assets shall be donated to another non-profit organization or public fund.

Article 28 (Operational Regulations) Matters necessary for the operation of this organization other than these articles of incorporation shall be determined by separate regulations established by a resolution of the Board of Directors.


Article 1 (Enforcement Date) These articles of incorporation shall take effect from May 30, 2024.

In order to establish the Boston College Korean Alumni Association, these articles of incorporation are prepared.

All founders shall sign and seal herein.

May 30, 2024